Update on Launch Dates

The EARS Committee are pleased to announce the following forthcoming launches:
Sunday 2 May and Monday 3 May: Please note that for this event, there will be no overnight camping, as this event is not Big EARS. This will be a two day event run on the same lines as the recent 4th- 5th April launch. Social distancing and prior Covid registration is required – see Next Event for details.
Sunday 6th June: one day EARS monthly launch.
Big EARS 26th – 27th June. Subject to landowner approval and the expected easing of Covid restrictions in line with the steps set out by HM Government, this year’s Big EARS event – with camping and all the usual features - will take place on Saturday 26th-Sunday 27th June, with camping and set up taking place on the afternoon / evening of Friday 25th June.
As you will no doubt be aware, April 2021 marks the 60th Anniversary of the first human space flight orbit of the Earth by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, in the Soviet Union’s space craft Vostok 1. To mark this anniversary, model Vostoks, appropriate clothing, silly hats and other memorabilia are most welcome at both the 4/5th April, the 6th June event and Big EARS.