Announcement of East Anglian Rocketry Society Annual General Meeting 2024

This year’s AGM will be held online on Sunday 29th December 2024 at 7pm.
All are welcome to attend but only paid-up members will be eligible to vote.
Links for the meeting will be sent to all members for whom we have an email address by the 29th December.
If you do not receive an invite or are not a member but wish to attend, please let us know via email at
- Election of Committee members (to be held prior to the AGM) AGM Business
- Annual report
- Financial report
- Any other business
The constitution allows for three executive committee members (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) and four ordinary members giving a total of seven
Anyone who is a current member and is 21 or over can stand for the committee and if we have more than seven members putting their name forward, we will hold an electronic ballot prior to the AGM proper as per the constitution.
We will upload a statement of interest form for any prospective committee members to the Facebook file section.
The Executive Officers of the Society are to be elected by ballot from the Committee, by the Committee, following the Annual General Meeting.
Andy Calver EARS Chair